Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Denver Mental Health Counseling: Travel and Explore

Today's Blog Post

We routinely remind our clients to explore themselves and their world -- keep all growth and development options open, including travel and adventure.  

This is a very family friendly event!  Exhibitors will be from Colorado, and other US states and countries.  

Think the following for you and your children: Yes, it's a travel show, designed to promote and sell vacations, but it's also...

⇾ National and international cultural education -- there will be fun family activities.
⇾ Initiate and enhance imagination, dreams, goals, desires, etc.
⇾ Identify unique family travel-adventure vacations and/or experiences.
⇾ Get out of the house and off digital electronics -- spend a day with family and friends.
⇾ Exposure to international cultures.
⇾ Explore summer or seasonal employment opportunities (i.e., speak directly to booth attendants regarding job opportunities for your children -- they are always looking for help!).

See what your world offers at Denver Travel and Adventure Show Info

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