Monday, November 4, 2019

Fort Collins Male Mental Health Counselor and Life Coach: Locked Keys

Today's Blog Post

In a Fort Collins parking lot, I have seen him many times.  When the weather is fair, his sliding mini-van door is open, and he's lounging, listening to classic 60s/70s music.  He seems happy, and I appreciate his taste in music.  Due to my nature, I wonder what about his life story.  Last week, at a timely moment, I introduced myself.  As I suspected, he lives in his van, and I learned that he's in his 60s, retired, a disabled veteran, and has been sober for 30 years.  He also shared details regarding combat and family trauma.  I enjoyed our discussion, albeit brief.  At the time, I was happy I met him, but now, much more so.  Why?

A week later, in a lobby filled with employees and patrons, I ran into him.  He recognized me, but could not remember my name.  He was obviously distressed.  He explained that he locked his keys and cell phone in his car, and that he could not afford to call a private locksmith.  People stood in silence, and most had that look on their face (i.e., stranger-danger, silently ignore and avoid).  Ten minutes later, with a coat hanger and my tools, I had him back in his car/home.  We celebrated, and in that moment, I felt human and alive.  

As a counselor-coach, I have yet to help a client unlock their car; however, everyday I do help clients unlock their mind, body, and spirit.  The work is challenging, yet highly rewarding.  We often celebrate and together, we feel very much human and alive!

I truly love being a counselor-coach, and please feel free to read Client Testimonials
 A Call Could Save Lives
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