Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fort Collins Mental Health Counseling and Life Coaching: Tasty Drinks and Yummy Snacks

Today's Blog Post

We think all counseling-coaching office environments should provide maximum privacy and safety (it's HIPAA law).  We also believe the client experience should be relaxed, comfortable, and enjoyable.

We offer video, mobile, and private office services.  At our Fort Collins private office, clients enjoy:

Cold Beverage Bar

✳ Complimentary -- Free
✳ Organic and all natural

✳ Cold brewed Coffee
✳ Natural flavored teas

✳ Low sugar, anti-oxidant juice
✳ Sparkling flavored water
✳ Purified water

Click Private Office Fees
Snack Bar

✳ Complimentary -- Free
✳ Organic and all natural

✳ Nuts and trail mix
✳ Energy bars

✳ Crackers and fruit
✳ Assorted candy/chocolates

✳ Office Kitchen -- bring your own snacks/food.

Click Private Office Fees

Note: We recognize client allergies and dietary needs -- please discuss with us.

Private Office Video Tour

A Call Could Save Lives
Call 911 or 24 Hour Crisis Center

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