Today's Blog Post
Frequently, I am asked -- am I dating or married to a narcissist?
You might if:
- They have no accountability (e.g., shift blame -- nothing is ever their fault).
- They struggle or can't experience grief or loss.
- They can't apologize, and make amends (or, if they do apologize, it will be non-authentic or disingenuous).
- They can't or struggle with sharing equally.
- They lack of empathy (i.e., can't feel what other people feel).
- They create a false reality to manipulate your feelings.
- They have no self awareness, and are incapable of self reflection.
- They lie; and there is little or no truth, honesty, transparency, or full disclosure.
- They have improper emotional responses to other people.
- They expect praise and care, and they have a poor life attitude.
- They name drop, and create fictitious-false grandiose titles (e.g., Dr. Doe, PhD).
- They treat other people well if they can get resources from them.
- The are self important (i.e., they feel superior to others).
- When you ask them to stop, they can't, won't or are incapable.
- They enjoy hurting other people, and do not care or understand how they hurt people.
- They create high amount of conflict and chaos -- they love to make you feel crazy and put you down.
Please continue reading at: Narcissism Part Two and Part Three
Last, please feel free to contact me for a free 50 minute consultation (either in person or video).
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